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Palletization, a key technique in the field of logistics, is a process aimed at grouping goods on a pallet to unify the load and facilitate transportation. Although often perceived as a simple handling operation, palletization plays a crucial role in the efficiency of modern supply chains. This article delves into the various aspects of palletization, its benefits, methods, and types of available pallets, while providing practical recommendations to optimize this essential practice.

What is palletization?

Palletization involves placing goods on pallets, which are horizontal platforms designed to facilitate storage, movement, and transportation of loads. Primarily used in warehouses, this technique allows grouping products into coherent load units, thus simplifying handling and ensuring the protection of goods.

Advantages of palletization

Palletization offers numerous advantages for warehouse management and transportation operations:

  • Operational efficiency: By reducing the number of movements required for loading and unloading, palletization significantly improves the flow of goods.
  • Safety: It reduces the risks of product damage and employee injuries by limiting direct handling of loads.
  • Inventory management: Palletization enables better inventory control, with each pallet containing a defined quantity of products.
  • Space optimization: Storage systems, whether conventional or automated, leverage pallet stacking to maximize storage space utilization and truck loading.

Types of pallets and their uses

Palette bois

Wooden pallet

The most commonly used, especially for European (EUR) or American (US) pallets. They are sturdy, cost-effective, and recyclable. However, they can be heavy and prone to infestations (insects) and mold.

Palette Inox

Metal pallet

Used for very heavy loads and specific industrial environments, they offer maximum strength but are costly and heavy.

Palette plastique

Plastic pallet

Lighter and resistant to moisture, they are ideal for environments requiring strict hygiene. Their higher cost is justified by their durability and reusability.

Palette carton

Cardboard pallet

Environmentally friendly and lightweight, they are suitable for light loads and single shipments. They are easily recyclable but less durable than wooden or plastic pallets.

Dimensions and load capacity (weight) of pallets

Type of PalletDimensions (mm)Specificity
Euro Pallet EPAL 11200 x 800 x 144Standard, heavy-duty
Industrial Pallet EUR 21200 x 1000 x 144Perimeter frame
EUR 3 Pallet1200 x 1000 x 144No ground reinforcement
Half Euro Pallet EPAL 6800 x 600 x 144Half the size of EPAL 1
Container Pallet1140 x 1140 x 144Adapted to specific containers
Asian Pallet1100 x 1100 x 144Asia-specific dimensions
American Pallet1219 x 1016 x 143USA-specific dimensions

The UNE-EN 13698-1 standard has standardized the dimensions and specifications of pallets used in Europe. Euro pallets, also known as EPAL pallets, measure 1200 x 800 mm. This size has been adopted to maximize handling, storage, and transportation efficiency. For example, a semi-trailer can load up to 33 Euro pallets optimally arranged. A standard Euro pallet has a mass of 20 to 25 kg and can support a dynamic load of 1500 kg and a static load of up to 4000 kg.

Palletization Methods

There are several methods for palletizing goods, each tailored to specific needs.

  • Manual palletization: Involves manually arranging products on the pallet and securing them with plastic film. Suitable for small quantities, it is labor-intensive and less precise than mechanized methods.
  • Semi-automatic palletization: Utilizes machines to assist with pallet packaging and strapping, reducing labor intensity for employees and increasing precision.
  • Automatic palletization: Automated systems handle the entire process, from loading to strapping. They are ideal for large quantities and environments requiring fast pace and high precision.

Optimizing palletization

To optimize palletization, several factors must be considered:

  • Palette selection: Choosing the appropriate type of pallet based on the type of goods and logistical requirements.
  • Product arrangement, pallet layout: Ensuring even distribution of loads to avoid pallet deformation and ensure stability during transport.
  • Use of pallet wrapping films: Wrapping with stretch or shrink films ensures load cohesion and protects against external contaminants.
  • Automation: Integrating automated systems to improve efficiency, reduce labor costs, and minimize human errors.

Comparison of characteristics of different types of pallets

Type of PalletMaterialAdvantagesDisadvantagesUses
Wooden palletWoodEconomical, sturdy, recyclableHeavy, prone to infestationsHeavy loads, general logistics
Plastic palletPlasticLightweight, hygienic, durableHigh costFood, pharmaceutical, hygiene industries
Cardboard palletCardboardEco-friendly, lightweight, recyclableLess durableLight loads, single shipments
Metal palletMetalVery sturdy, supports heavy loadsCostly, heavyHeavy industry, specific environments

Why optimize palletization?

Palletization is a central element of modern logistics, offering significant benefits in terms of efficiency, safety, and inventory management. By understanding the different palletization methods and types, companies can optimize their operations and improve their supply chain. Automation, smart choice of pallets and pallet wrapping films, not only reduce costs but also ensure safer and more efficient handling of goods.

For any company looking to enhance its logistics processes, a thorough review of its palletization practices is essential. Investing in the right technologies and methods can lead to significant gains in productivity and customer satisfaction.

Efficiency starts with effective packaging. Transform yours with our expertise.

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Robot palettiseur
Depalletizer, palletizer, manual, semi-automatic, automatic
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transport palettisation
How transport conditions impact palletization
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Plan de palettisation entrepot
Palletization plan
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Réemployable vs usage unique
Palletization: Reusable Solutions vs Single-Use
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déchets de palettisation
Strategies to reduce and recycle palletization waste
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Palette avec film étirable
Wrapper, pallet wrap
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Controle qualité palettisation
Contrôle de qualité de la palettisation
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